Our cloud-based chart solution, ChaNS,
effortlessly transforms your data into a diverse range of charts.
Key Features
![Key Features](/resources/images/sub/sol_chans_img03_eu.png;jsessionid=A8A780BAF678D97C30CC1D311302978E)
- 범용성 Versatility
- 다양한 Browser, Device 지원 Support for Various Browsers and Devices
- OpenAPI 제공 Offer an OpenAPI
- 고객 맞춤 독립형 설치 지원 Support for Customized Standalone Installations tailored to customers' needs
- 결과물 Deliverables
- 다양한 Chart 유형 제공 Diverse Range of Chart Types
- 결과물의 HTML코드 및 이미지 제공 HTML Code and Image Outputs
- 기대효과 Benefits
- ① Non-ActiveX, Non-Plugin으로 별도의 소프트웨어 구매 불필요 No Need for ActiveX or Plugins: No need to purchase separate software
- ② 다양한 Chart를 손쉽고 빠르게 웹이나 문서에 추가 가능 Effortless Chart Integration: Easily and rapidly add various charts to web pages or documents
- ③ Legacy system에 Cloud 기반 Dashboard(대쉬보드) 구현 가능 Cloud-Based Dashboard for Legacy Systems: Implement cloud-based dashboards in legacy systems
- 사용환경 Usage Options
- 다양한 옵션기능 제공(컬러, 속성, 범례 등) Offer a variety of options (colors, attributes, legends, and more)
- Active한 Chart 애니메이션 제공 Provide active chart animation
- 접근성 Accessibility
- HTML5기반, 빠르고 쉬운 Chart 제작 HTML5-based for quick and easy chart creation
- Cloud 작업 환경 Cloud Workspace
Providing a variety of basic graph types! Continuous library updates in progress!