Is dMall really simple?
Experience unparalleled scalability that you won't find in traditional leasing solutions!!
![unparalleled scalability](/resources/images/sub/sol_dmall_img02_eu.png;jsessionid=01B0220BDCACAF5168C90F8BB72543CE)
- 맞춤형 기능개발이 가능한 JAVA기반 솔루션
- 사방넷API 연계를 통한 외부 대형몰 연동
- 효율적이고 편리한 관리자 시스템 (디자인템플릿 제공)
- 다양한 전자결제(PG)사와 연동가능(Paypal 지원)
- 카카오페이, Npay 간편결제도 쉽게
- 택배사연동으로 송장을 편하게 관리
- SMS/대량 메일링까지 척척척
- SNS연동으로 소셜마케팅 가능
- 개인정보 보호를 위한 DB암호화
- 구글애널리스틱(GA)지원 검색엔진최적화(SEO)지원
dMall is recommended for the following individuals
- Those operating medium to large-scale online malls
- Provides the option for independent server configuration without hosting capacity or traffic limitations.
- Supports Google Analytics (GA) for comprehensive statistical analysis.
- Those in need of unique features beyond basic functionality
- This JAVA-based solution offers excellent scalability and integration with various systems.
- It allows the creation of a tailored shopping mall that aligns with the client's needs, from planning to design and development.
- Individuals looking for convenient promotion and overseas sales solutions
- dMall enhances search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure higher visibility in search results.
- The platform not only supports various domestic payment gateways but also enables sales to international customers through PayPal integration.